Thursday, July 9, 2009

It's Official: French are Bad Hosts and Guests

So the annual Best Tourist rankings came out today, and guess what, fellow Americans? We're not considered the worst. In fact, we're not even in the top five! Or bottom five, might be a better way to phrase it. TNS Intrafest, a German research firm conducted their second annual "Best Tourist Survey". The survey asked 4,500 hoteliers across the globe to rate tourists from 27 nationalities based on nine criteria including: politeness, willingness to speak the local language, cleanliness, likelihood of complaining, tipping, dress/elegance, overall behavior, quietness and discretion.

The losers? The French.

The French ranked at or near the bottom of the list in politeness, willingness to speak the local language, generosity and overall behavior. Or as the Britons call it, "behaviour". C'mon, my pasty British friends. Drop the superfluous "u". You know you want to.

So my theory that the French were only rude when you're on their turf is shot to hell. Apparently they are rude when they are on your turf, too. In an attempt to defend these rankings, they actually blame their behavio(u)r on that fact that their country is so awesome they rarely ever leave it. And this puts them at a distinct disadvantage because they are not accustomed to things that are not supercali-francophilicious. Therefore, they tend to get stressed, demanding, loud and arrogant. Aren't you the same country that brought us the "mime"?

I think the French would be better off if they just admit what the rest of us know. They haven't won a major war without the assistance of America since the French revolution. And that was only because they were fighting each other and someone had to win. WII- lost then liberated. WWI- about to lose until we showed up. Indochina? Packed it on. Franco-Prussian war? Not even close. Napoleonic Wars? C'mon, just listen to the Abba song. In fact, the French had such a history of losing wars, that when they manufactured tanks in the early 20th century, they decided to only give them one gear. Reverse.

Okay, enough French military history. In all sincerity, the French do have a lot going for them. Paris is beautiful, especially when it's not occupied. Sorry- couldn't resist. The wines of France are unrivaled. The cheese is top notch. The art history, the geography, Edith Piaf, crepes, accordion music. These are all good things.

So I know it would be, as the French would say a "faux pas" to heed the advice on an ugly American, but learn to relax and enjoy cultural differences. Order a burrito at Taco Bell en Espanol. Tip your cabby for the thrill ride over sidewalks and down the wrong way of one-way streets. Laugh it off when Milly at the Best Western, Cheboygan loses your reservation. Crack open a nice bottle of Bourdeaux and relax when the chocolate souffle at Denny's collapses. C'est la Vie! N'est ce pas?

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