Those who know me, know I don't attack people based on their political affiliation. Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Socialist, Anarchist, Labour, Scottish National, Estonian Reform, Whig, Communist; I have no problem with any one group. Okay, maybe a slight issue with Communists. But this is not politically inspired.
I do however attack people based on pure, good old fashion stupidity. And I have to say that Palin quitting her job as governor to write a book ranks right up there with urinating on an electric fence. And when you consider the name of the book, "Going Rogue", well that elevates the stupidity status to cheating on your swedish supermodel wife with nine cocktail waitresses. It also begs the question, does Sarah Palin even know what the term "rogue" means?
The term rogue has rarely had a positive connotation with the exception of a few bad spy movies. You know those movies where a covert operative gets tired of killing people and attempts to quit, but "the agency" won't let him quit because he "knows too much", so he decides to go rogue. But he can't go entirely rogue because he loves some other operative and he's conflicted because this is really cramping his loner rogue style. So he kills the bad/good guys, steals some money and has it transferred into a Swiss bank account and rides off into the sunset on a Vespa through the streets of Milan with his love interest gripping him. Is this what Palin has planned?
But for the real definition lets call in the experts, shall we?
According to Merriam-Webster:
Rogue: Main Entry: 1rogue
Rogue: Main Entry: 1rogue
Pronunciation: \ˈrōg
Function: noun
Etymology: origin unknown
Date: 15611 :
1 vagrant, tramp
2 a dishonest or worthless person : scoundrel
3 : a mischievous person : scamp
4 : a horse inclined to shirk or misbehave
5 : an individual exhibiting a chance and usually inferior biological variation
My guess is that she doesn't really want people to think she's "Going to exhibit a chance and usually inferior biological variation", though you could make a case. Or that she's a horse inclined to shirk or misbehave. Though according to some McCain staff, she was a horse's ass that was inclined to shirk and misbehave.
I'm not going to speculate about her intentions for publishing this book. Pundits have suggested revenge, redemption and re-entry into the spotlight. Based on these assumptions, maybe these are better suggestions for her book title.
"Going Target Hunting: A Campaign Story"
"Going to B#t$h Slap John McCain"
"Going Book Whoring"
"Going to Run in 2012: Who's With Me!"
"Going to Explain the $15,000 Suits"
"Going to Get That Katie Couric: And Her Little Dog, Too"
"Going to Develop a Loyal Following Who Will Either Nominate Me in 2012, or Become Steady Listeners to My XM Radio Show if Nomination Doesn't Pan Out: Either Way, I'm Getting the Hell Out of Alaska and Moving Somewhere Warm, Like Minnesota"
Okay, maybe that last one might be a little long for the book jacket. Regardless, I'm looking forward to her follow up book, "Went Rogue: And I Guess it Didn't Mean What I Thought, So I'm Back.
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