Monday, November 30, 2009
Tiger Woods Wife Heroically Rescues Him From Car Crash with Golf Club
Personally, I don't care about the real cause of the accident, and understand his desire for privacy. But Elin Wood's explanation of the events has just added fuel to the fire. Her husband is in a car accident less than four rhododendrons away from their driveway, traveling at a speed that didn't even deploy the airbag and Elin decides to use his 9-iron as the "Jaws of Life".
According to Mrs. Woods, she smashed the back windows of his Escalade with a golf club to rescue Tiger. Really? Tiger is unconscious in the driver's seat, next to a perfectly good door. But her plan is to enter the vehicle through the jagged back window, drag her 200-pound husband some 38 feet over four rows of seats and then through the aforementioned jagged back window. Right.
Again- don't care about your personal life, but surely you could have come up with a better lie than this. I can personally think of 10 reasons for smashing the back windows with a golf club that are far more credible than her story:
10. Was angry at the Escalade for not deploying the airbags during crash.
9. Thought Tiger was going to the driving range at 2:00am and was just trying to get his lucky 5-iron to him.
8. Saw her own reflection in the glass holding a golf club and mistook the window for an attacker.
7. Just trying to get his attention because he forgot to kiss her goodbye.
6. Mistook the 12,000 pound car for a giant black golf ball.
5. Thought the windows were shatterproof and was just trying to kill a palmetto.
4. Sleep walking while dreaming of 12-cylinder pinatas.
3. Practicing on the front lawn at 2:00am while eating buttery popcorn. Lesson learned.
2. This is just foreplay at the Woods household. Had no idea neighbors were watching.
1. C'mon. It's Florida. After seven Amaretto Sours, who doesn't like to smash up a car window, officer? Why do you think so many episodes of "Cops" are filmed here?
Sorry, Mr. And Mrs. Woods. Hope you guys get this all straightened out and have a long, loving marriage. But in the meantime, maybe you need to keep your mouths shut and let this blow over.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
You Think You're Having a Bad Day? Man Discovers Father is Charles Manson.

Saturday, November 21, 2009
Going Rogue? Does Sarah Palin Understand the Definition of "Rogue"?

Rogue: Main Entry: 1rogue
My guess is that she doesn't really want people to think she's "Going to exhibit a chance and usually inferior biological variation", though you could make a case. Or that she's a horse inclined to shirk or misbehave. Though according to some McCain staff, she was a horse's ass that was inclined to shirk and misbehave.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
The Swine Flu Chronicles: Day Four- Resurrection
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
The Swine Flu Chronicles: Day Three

The Swine Flu Chronicles: Day Two
10:00AM- Attempt to read, but head hurts too much. Turn on TV and watch news coverage of Sarah Palin's new book, "Going Rogue". Not sure who is more annoying; Palin or the pundits. I feel like I'm about to go rogue.
11:00AM- Feeling feverish and fatigued so I lay in bed staring at the ceiling until lunch.
12:00 Noon- First real meal. Grilled cheese. Mrs. MacTavish makes the perfect grilled cheese. Not too grilled and not too cheesy. Immediately fall asleep after last bite. Strange dreams about changing our standard time measurements. Hours are now only 45 minutes. This bumps us up to 32 hours daily. Now people can stop bitching about there not being enough hours in the day.
3:00PM- Wake up feeling close to normal. Until I stand up too fast. Sit on sitting room couch and read stack of magazines that have been piling up since March. Start to feel sore again, so I take another bath.
4:30PM- Scanning the news channels. Palin is going Rogue on several other channels. No balloon hoaxes today. Plenty of loud-mouthed economists who claim to have this all figured out. Elvis is still dead.
6:00PM- Pizza for dinner served with love by Mrs. MacTavish. After catching up on some magazines, I turn on HBO12 to find Apollo 13 on again. Excellent. Maybe I'll see the ending this time. Fall asleep as they use the moon's gravity to slingshot back around toward earth.
8:00PM- Stomach has not been right today. Headaches have persisted, but not as intense. Joints are feeling better. Still running a slight fever. Say goodnight to kids through the crack in the door. So far, the worst part of the ordeal has been not being able to hug my family. My daughter fell on the stairs and I had to listen helplessly to her cry until her mom was able to get to her.
10:00PM- Just finished some reading and writing. No arithmetic. Apollo 13 is just starting. No way I'll make it to the end. Scan news channels. Hamad Karzai and Sarah Palin plan to release an album together. New recommendations on guidelines for when women should begin to get mammograms. A new task force (comprised of insurance companies?) suggests against routine mammograms for women under 50. The current recommendation is 40. And how do you explain this to those women who were diagnosed in their 40s? Morons.
10:30PM- Temperature almost back to normal. Lights out.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
The Swine Flu Chronicles: Day One
6:15AM- Woke up 15 minutes early and something wasn't feeling quite right. Stomach was tight, head was cloudy. Attributed it to the Monday morning blues and attempted to put my feet on the floor. Whoa- feels like the morning after my bachelor party. Laid back down and went to sleep.
7:00AM- Woke up 45 minutes later still feeling the way Fidel Castro looks, showered, contemplated my day and wondered when I would snap out of it. At this point I was determined to get to the office. After driving well under the speed limit for 15 minutes, I contemplated pulling over and taking a nap. Chills, stomach pain, headache, morning radio. It was more than any man could bare. Decided to press on. Made it to the office garage with no intentions of staying. Took stairs and managed to avoid breathing on people or making eye contact while fetching my laptop. Made it back to my car and sat quietly attempting to muster up the energy to turn the ignition. As I was driving home, each bump in the road reminded me that leaving the house in the first place was a bad idea.
9:00AM- Was home and back in bed. Slept until noon having all sorts of strange fever-induced dreams about polenta, Albanian tax attorneys, Gilligan's Island and Cheez Whiz. Note to self: look those things up in a dream interpretation book.
12:00 Noon- Took temperature and Tylenol. My joints felt as though they were twisted in the wrong direction, my head felt like a tomato that had fallen to the floor and my body temperature seemed to fluctuate faster than the national healthcare plan.
2:00PM- I had dealt with my doctor and my prescription for Tamiflu was ready to be picked up. Mrs. MacTavish had officially quarantined me to our room. Spent the remainder of the afternoon in and out of sleep and strange dreams involving scotch tape and monkeys. While awake, I attempted to watch television. As luck would have it, we just signed up for a free trial of HBO. I had no idea there were 13 HBO channels now. Outstanding timing. Still no iPhone with the iSwine app though.
6:00PM- Finally managed to choke down an apple, a bagel and a quart of Gatorade. Head and body still felt like I went nine rounds with the Russian guy from Rocky V. Or was it Rocky IV? Started to watch Apollo 13, but fell asleep before launch.
8:00PM- Woke up in time to say good night to kids through the crack in the door. They're careful not to make eye contact with me. Started to watch the beginning of Apollo 13 again on a different HBO. Fell asleep during countdown. Slept off and on for the remainder of the night. Woke up at 5:00AM singing Cher's, "If I Could Turn Back Time". Had no idea I knew the lyrics.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Karma is a Female Pig: The Swine Flu Chronicles
Okay, so maybe I wasn’t quite as paranoid as described but I did take a fair amount of precaution. But I suppose I was at a higher risk than most given that I’m on airplanes and public transportation far more than your average book-making taxidermist. I’ve never had the flu, let alone one named after a farm animal so I always wondered what it was like. I’m wondering no more, my friends.
Given the added dimension of precaution and paranoia, I thought I'd keep a daily journal of my illness and the associated quarantine. After reading this you can decide for yourself if you want to go out and get your own case on H1N1.
The following blog entries are almost entirely based on real events with only a dash of dramatic embellishment. Because let’s face it; who wants to read about some guy sleeping for five days straight? The names of the characters have been changed to protect the innocent. In some cases they’ve been changed twice. More to come.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Hugo Chavez's Ratings Falling. Rain Isn't.

Monday, November 9, 2009
Pro-Choicers Declare Major Victory After This Photo Published

Friday, November 6, 2009
Jackson Reality Series: Michael Jackson's Body Finally Cold Enough to Cash In

Thursday, November 5, 2009
iPhone Launches Swine Flu Application